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What is Conscious Mastery?

Conscious Mastery® is a journey of personal freedom, self-mastery and spiritual growth. To master levels of consciousness one must practice what they know to be true and remain open as greater truths reveal themselves. It is a combination of releasing the old and nurturing the new. Conscious Mastery® provides the knowledge and tools to recognize and free yourself from the invisible forces of denial, guilt, fear and judgment; allowing truth and love to flow unobstructed. You will see your path to becoming a conscious and active participant in the life you’ve always dreamed of, and discover the strength and courage that lies within. To gain this freedom, we must be willing to dive deep within breathing life and love into our authentic Self. The moment you recognize and accept that positive change is needed, you will feel the truth of it, and begin to create your life by conscious design rather than by default. To experience the freedom to think, act, and speak from a place of deep inner truth is available to all.


Conscious Mastery® is a Soulful Approach to Wholeness.



Time to Empower Your Life and
Enlighten Your Personal Journey


The Conscious Mastery® Life Course will bring light to your path and positive change to your life. Both the content and the approach of this distinctive training program stands apart from other personal development, spiritual growth, and self-empowerment programs. How? Every step of the way you are reminded of the power within YOU, you are the master of your ship, you are the mapmaker and explorer. The Conscious Mastery® Life Course offers you an intimate and personal path to better understand your current circumstances through self-awareness and self-acceptance. You will gain tools and learn techniques to consciously release the debilitating impact of guilt, shame, regret, envy, fear and so much more. Releasing these are empowering beyond measure. One step at a time, the ability to embrace your personal power will begin to feel real. Isn’t it time you start taking a leading and commanding role to master the design of your life?  Your Life, Your Story.


A Better Life by Conscious Design




Expand Your Professional Journey

& Empower Others Along the Way!

Conscious Mastery® Facilitator Emblem

The Conscious Mastery® Facilitator (CMF) certification is a comprehensive professional development program. Those currently assisting clients and groups in their personal and spiritual growth will find many ways to retain and expand their business. For those who desire to enter into this space as a professional guide, you will gain the ability to develop your own client base. An entire section is dedicated to group gatherings. The successful use of gatherings will bring great opportunities to grow and connect with your local community. In this section you will learn how to create unique events from open to close, create titles that define your purpose and audience, and so much more. The Conscious Mastery® Facilitator (CMF) certification embodies a 32-module curriculum of well-formatted coursework, segmented into 5 major areas of focus, supporting tools, free downloads, and concludes with an essay submission. This self-paced online course is designed to empower facilitators with actionable ways to better help educate, guide, prepare, coach and enlighten clients, groups and themselves. Be part of the solution!  


When you heal yourself, you heal others by extension.




Live Life Whole, Happy and Free!

Create your life by conscious design rather than by default.

Conscious Mastery® books, blogs and e-books by Astara Teal Summers are loved by readers throughout the world. Learn to recognize the invisible forces that play out in your daily life, so you may begin to consciously create a life filled with joy, love, health, and prosperity. Exploring a true and intimate connection with Source expands our consciousness, allowing us to become more aware of our personal power, thought processes, and patterns of behavior. Experience the freedom to think, act, and speak from a place of deep inner truth. Discover the strength and courage that lies within, making change not only possible, but preferable. You can do this!


A truly impressive book. Each paragraph is a treasure trove of insight worthy of deep contemplation. Filled with practical exercises and suggestions, Conscious Mastery is a powerful tool on the journey of spiritual growth and a must read for anyone committed to the path.”– Scott Silverston, Author “Voices of the Earth, An Oracle of the Web of Life”


Change is upon us. Are you ready?







Conscious Rock™ is a light alternative rock/folk genre with enough punch to get you moving and lyrics to get you high on life. Many of these songs were inspired by my personal experiences of healing and growth. There are currently four CD’s offered in this genre.



Intentional Groove™ is my second self-created genre. They are instrumental musical pieces with a purpose, delivering a deliberate high frequency message to the listener. “Love Thy Self” was the first recorded CD of this genre. The tempo is mellow but paced well enough to listen anywhere any time. Enjoy the impulse to feel it as much as hear it, inviting the high-frequency energy into your body, your home, office or car. Let the groove take you higher on the wave of each inspired intention.




Dear Inner Child

Dear Inner Child

I was so young when my inner child self shrank back. She continued shrinking until she was but a speck in the dark. Still a child but not a child as she lost the joy of simple play. In its place grew shady fear. I didn’t know how to take care of you any more than I knew how to take care of me.

Denial Is Not Your Friend

Denial Is Not Your Friend

To emphasize that denial is not your friend, be aware that bad decisions come easily as your attention is drawn to the momentum of denial. Furthermore, guilt sounds convincing and together they create a great distance between you, the truth and your true power. Many people living in denial feel powerless which is a lie that sprouts when living in denial. The ability to manifest takes on the appearance of everything you do not want and very little of what you do want.

Mastering Levels of Consciousness

Mastering Levels of Consciousness

You and I are not so different. Here we are in a world filled with turmoil yet, we can see through the lens of clarity. Slow down, breath and look at what your day-to-day life is telling you. Though the world may be chaotic, your personal life doesn’t have to be. What is consistently expressing in your life?  Is it peace, happiness, good health? If the answer is no, you have been given many clues as to the condition and nature of your inner landscape.