A Tender Soul

I don’t know a tender soul who instantly benefited from

An acid bath, a caustic whipping from a cruel tongue.

The ranting of a cruel one creates hardship without a thought
When a kind word would have brought…

Now tender soul broken and battered
must travel deep within to remember what mattered.

Like days of old when tales were told
of a right of passage
If they discover the treasure, Is to love beyond all measure
They will rise from the fire with a burning desire
to love

For what is the purpose of myths if not to alert the tender soul
That love and courage will make him whole.

Some tender souls do not survive such trashing
too soon departed
While cruel ones create more cruel ones
by breaking the tender hearted

Love is the path that will bring the victory,
the liberation, the supply
Cruelty is the lie
Let not one more tender soul die

Think twice even thrice
Allow only love to pass the boundary of thy lips.   

Author Astara Summers


A tender soul was a very personal piece of poetry. The poem encapsulates my experience as a child and what I had to do to rise up out of the ash like a phoenix to reclaim my power. I created a video in the hopes that more people will hear the message and feel the power of their inner strength and courage. Sadly, some do not make the transformation and become like their abuser. It is also true that some choose to end life because it is too painful.

Never judge one who was unable to see another way to heal. The journey is challenging, arduous and perilous. The path taken is the choice of the individual. My greatest hope is that the cycle abuse ends. This is the path I chose. If you are a tender soul suffering abuse please know you have within you the power to overcome and be the love from whence you came. If you need some help look to either of the two Conscious Mastery® online courses listed below. love Astara  

View the youtube video here 

Update 2024 Conscious Mastery® now offers two online courses

Conscious Mastery® Facilitator Certification

Conscious Mastery® Life course