Dear Inner Child

Dear Inner Child

  To My Inner Child Dear sweet inner child, I realize now somewhere along the way I forgot you and forgot how to have fun. You were left with no one to protect you, love you and care for your total well being. My deepest sincere apologies. What happened  I was so...
Denial Is Not Your Friend

Denial Is Not Your Friend

Denial Is Not Your Friend I will say with conviction, that denial is not your friend. It is a friend to no one. So why do so many people use it as a means of protection or escapism from the truth? How much is an unconscious decision based on fear of the truth?...
Mastering Levels of Consciousness

Mastering Levels of Consciousness

Conscious Mastery® Mastering Levels of Consciousness    I like to take a step back now and then to look at life with fresh eyes. This helps me in the practice of mastering levels of consciousness. I ask myself,”Is what I think of or perceive as truth still...
Deeper side of thoughts and power of words

Deeper side of thoughts and power of words

               Deeper Side of Thoughts and the Power of Words The deeper side of thoughts and the power of words says “the energy you put out will return to you.” In other words, you are the source to which the energy will return. This includes thoughts,...