Astara Musings on Appearances:

Things are what they are however, outward appearances may have you fooled. Presentations, too often are not what they seem. When I see or think something wondering if it is true, I step back and exercise my powers of deeper observation as well as critical thinking. Many people wear masks to hide their true identity and intentions. 

When an individual has low self esteem, for example, they can put on quite an act to hide their fear. When someone wants something but doesn’t know how to ask for it or work for it false appearances can be used to manipulate. Think of the times you had conversations you that you thought were safe only to discover it was an appearance of loyalty but not loyalty itself. 



A few things to think about with regard to appearances and how to see and feel the truth. 

Remove yourself from the clamor of the outside world on a regular basis, take some time in natureto really get to know yourself and learn to trust your intuition.

Dive deep within through meditation or simple quiet time to clear your mind and energy field.

Listen and watch from the center seat of stillness. When you devote time to listening to your heart and clearing your mind you will receive heart messages that can be trusted.

Follow the Light of Love. There is a distinct feeling that accompanies the light of love. It is not only appearances. It really is a feeling. Learn to trust your feelings and with that, false appearances have no power over you.

Voluntarily Wake up. Make a decision to see things and people for who and what they are. End denial as it serves only to mislead you and on the flip side you may be misleading someone else.

Before a rude awakening comes, dive deep. know yourself and  trust yourself. Bring an end to denial, guilt and judgments that plague an otherwise peaceful mind. Balance your energy centers called chakras and you will vibrate with truth knowing who and what comes into your life, no matter the appearance.  Look to my online course for assistance. 

Love Astara

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