There is an amazing web-site I would like to share with you. It is called Do As One. They have a breathing room created to unite humanity using the power of conscious breathing by allowing people to breath together synchronously from around the world.
To see what this is all about and enter the breathing room click here!
What a great way to reduce stress as well as unite with like minded others.
Master the art of living consciously starting with the breath 🙂
Conscious Mastery®.org is dedicated to the evolution of individuals and the collective. You too can do your part one breath at a time with love and kindness. Support the events and projects around the world that support love and a new way of living in the light. We are in a space time reality. Wisely spend your time as the precious commodity that it is.
Think loving thoughts, visualize a world of peace, unity and love. Slow down enough to feel truthful feelings with the ability to raise them to an even higher vibration. We are CREATING right now and in every moment. Know what you are thinking and if it is stinking thinking Change it Now! These are powerful times we live in. The time to wake up is here.
With your expanded and loving consciousness aligned with Source see all of life unfold with awesome beauty and grace. Together we can live heaven on earth. There is a saying that goes like this: ” It is always darkest just before the dawn.” Don’t lose sight of the light. It is within you. Shine your light bright enough to see your way through the darkness. The light is all around you. Open your heart and see with the eyes of the divine being that you are. Unite with those on the path of love. Entering the breathing room is one beautiful way to do this. We are not alone.
with great love, Astara