Practice What You Preach 

At the present moment it is afternoon for me. I know a lot of time has past and much has happened since I posted anything on my site. Be that as it may, I practice Conscious Mastery® for decades and continue to do say daily. Practice what you preach is saying that I walk my talk. That is essentially what I am asking you to ask yourself. 

As I get more in the groove of posting I will share some of my personal journey. I have had many experiences from which I choose to learn from. This in turn inspired me me to write my bookConscious Mastery-Freedom From The Inside Out” guided me through some very challenging and heart breaking times. That ” sharing” will be for other posts.

Update 2024 Conscious Mastery® now offers two online courses. This is some of what has kept me busy the last few years.

Conscious Mastery® Facilitator Certification

Conscious Mastery® Life course

Present moment

As I was running errands this morning, I had several opportunities to stay on the light side of life. I know that grumpy people can sometimes bring you down but the real mastery comes when we check in with ourselves first. Crossing paths with grumpy people was my experience today so, I asked myself, “Is my energy supply good? Am I in a good head space?” with just these two examples, I think you get the idea. 

A simple little check in takes me to the next step. I recognize I am in a good space and my energy is good. What then? Whoever I close to me energetically isn’t in a good space and has nothing to do with me. Key reminder: Don’t take things or other people personally.

It is important to give a smile or other such simple greeting without expecting anything kind in return. You may very well receive a kindness but that is merely a bonus. Is it your job or my job to lift the spirit of every grumpy person that crosses our path? To that question I answer with a “no”  but it is important to A) hold your space and B) give what kindness you can before moving on.

Be Aware of Your Thoughts

If you allow you inner thoughts to judge Mr. or Mrs. Grumpy then their negative energy is having an impact on you. This can happen especially if you are “just holding your head above water” so to speak.

Simply recognize your judgmental thoughts for what they are rather than agonize over it. We are learning, growing and evolving every day. Criticizing yourself after realizing your thoughts were unkind gives your energy to what you don’t want.

Plan of action: First redirect by consciously bringing your thoughts higher. Lift your thoughts toward kindness and compassion for yourself and others. Second, breath and let yourself off the hook. Remember we are all doing our best. 


You Have Heard It Before 

No one knows the struggle of another. What is a problem for one could be a delight for someone else.  As much as we are all connected from the vantage point of the universe, we are here on earth. That comes with challenges of feeling separation on many levels. 

Something you can choose to do is stay in a healthy loving mindset. That takes practice and so practice what you preach shows you why a daily application is important. Making that choice will positively effect your life in more ways than you know. You are also making a positive effect on the collective consciousness. Please never underestimate your contribution to the collective.


What If I Am Attracting Negativity?

If the little check-in lets you see that you are carrying a dark cloud over your head, what then? In the way of Conscious Mastery® you have made yourself aware. That is the most important first step. Secondly, you would need to be extra mindful of how you treat others that cross your path.

Be mindful of your thoughts and of your vocal tone. Can you hear a measure of impatience as an example? Master yourself in the moment. There is nothing wrong with having a grumpy day however, once you have reached a level of awareness, it is your responsibility to ensure you don’t treat others unkind or unfairly.  What you may be going through in your personal life is no excuse to litter your energetic surroundings with low vibrations.

It is quite likely someone will give you a genuine smile as you have done for others in the past. Accept it graciously. On the other hand, mustering up a genuine smile or kind word for another has a way of taking us out of our head and into the present moment. Something so simple can turn the day around for you and for another.

I have added a few posts from my Conscious Mastery facebook page. Short musings from me to you. Wishing you a wonderful day

love Astara