by Astara | Apr 23, 2016 | Forgiveness, Mindfullness, Personal growth, self mastery, spiriitual journey, spiritual awakening, Spiritual Growth, spiritual journey
The Whipping boy is Dead The whipping boy is dead. The whips of tongue and leather breaking spirit, breaking skin. Destructive painful even insidious. Evidence lost to the blind eye. The Whipping boy attracting a beating for crimes not his own, He is a sin eater...
by Astara | Apr 12, 2016 | Mindfullness, self mastery
Change A Change in perception and the entire landscape of life will look different. I remember a time when someone would try to do the smallest thing for me and I could not accept it. It was easy for me to give of my time and whatever I had but to receive was an...
by Astara | Apr 5, 2016 | Personal growth, self mastery, spiriitual journey
Leave No Trace Save for Love Only love is permitted in my temple, all else passes through consciously. I live by, “leave no trace save for love”. There is no room for denial, guilt or judgment in this temple of mine. My body and mind no longer hold any...