Astara Summers 

An inside job

With love and wisdom, she says, “It is not in me at this time to quell your fears. I’ve no way to posture for you to make them go away. But take heed and hear what I have to say. May this serve as an olive branch.”


We all came here to remember who we are. No one can do the energy work of another. It is an inside job. There is no malice in saying so but let us not forget to open our heart and lend an ear to our fellow man. If it is in us to offer ideas so that they may learn to help themselves and in turn help another, share. If it is in our power to do so, lend a hand or provide an offering that gives the fallen one a leg up to begin again.

Lift your spirit

It is for you, as it is for me, to lift our spirits from where we allowed ourselves to fall. Make new choices and in so doing, determine to align with the frequency where courage resides. Then rise higher to align with love. Be patient because these things take time.

All is temporary

The falling away from love is temporary as long as we are aware and willing to honestly assess ourselves, situation and circumstances. We must take responsibility for where we are and for what condition we find ourselves. To live with no joy, poor health, or damaging relationships, is a sign something must be done to course correct. It is an inside job. Time to dive in.

No blame

This is not a time for blame. It is a time for gentle honesty that softens our resolve so we may move forward. Nurture and nourish body, mind and spirit as we repair the damage done. Learn from the experience and stop the pattern of painful shadow dancing. Rise better than before, stabilize, integrate, creating a new baseline made of higher frequencies. A lesson learned, a pattern broken, dismantled at the core, free from the pull of repeating an old story, you are free.

A time for all to rise

As is it, all who have fallen can rise, will rise and must rise now. Brothers and sisters together, help when you can and know when to step back. Inspire others by living a life filled with kindness, generosity, and love. Live a good life.

From my heart to yours

All this I say to you as one who has fallen more than once risen from the depths with courage that led me to love. Now love leads me to serve. Remembering those who  shared their wisdom and those who lent a helping hand along the way, I thank you.

Fear not ~ the inside job

Do not fear the “inside job” because it is filled with power, wonder, mystery, goodness and more. Along the way you will meet others on a similar quest to live life whole happy and free. Some will aid you and some you will aid. You will discover your true Self, your brilliance, your beauty, and your strengths. Face whatever needs to be faced. Accept what needs to be accepted. Shine your light and embrace the gift of being you. Live a good life, not by comparison nor for recognition and accolades.

Live a good life

Kind interaction with all brothers and sisters, radiating self-love, empathy and good will to all living beings on our shared planet makes a life well lived. What your heart asks of you to do today; do today. Tomorrow is not guaranteed.

love Astara

An earlier post : a wonderful way to start and end your day

Appreciation, Grace and Curiosity