Healing Water
Healing Water. The effect of our thoughts and feelings have when directed toward water was made visible through the work of Dr. Emoto. He showed us how we have the power to change the crystalline structure of water and thus our life. As many of you know we are composed of approximately 70% water.
Look at the difference between two thoughts directed at water. The first one is represented by the thought, “you make me sick” where as the second was imbued with the thought, “Thank you”
You Have The Power to Heal
Dr Emoto proved that negatively charged thoughts cause the crystalline structures to become distorted and hideous. He also proved that the opposite is true. Never forget we are composed of water and that our thoughts are in fact affecting our health. I think of this often and perhaps you can think about that now and again. So I ask you,”How do you qualify the energy that flows through you?”
For more examples and a better understanding of Dr Emoto and his tremendous work check out his book, The Hidden Messages in Water here

healing water
It is vital to my vitality to drink plenty of clean water. You can imbue your water with good vibes each day. I like to tape a label on my glass of water. One day it says “perfect health” another day it might say “inner peace”. I am sure you get the message. You, too, can do this for yourself. Keep in mind that a dehydrated body breaks down. Dehydration has a detrimental effect on the physical, mental and emotional bodies. Healing water. A good place to start is to choose to live a healthier life, drink plenty water and maintain good thoughts.
Tragic Nuclear Meltdown at Fujiwara Dam Japan
The fall out of this tragic event was far reaching. The water and everything that lives in and around this catastrophe were effected and as you know the water keeps moving. This got the attention of buddhist monks who knew and used the power of meditation reflecting Dr Emotos’ research.
Look at these two photos from the polluted Fujiwara Dam, Japan. One is the water that came from the meltdown before meditation and the second is the same water after Buddhist monk, Reverend Kato Hoki, meditated for one hour.
Continued positive vibrations are necessary to clear radioactive isotope cesium, also present in the giant kelp off the southern coast of California. Healing water, remember the fluid in your body is responding to your every thought and feeling. Share some of your love with our oceans too.
I Am Love
Feel what you need to feel. Allow your feelings to move in a constructive liberating way and you will bring about positive change. I use my journal to write every day and do breath work to maintain a healthy outlook on life. There are other activities in my daily routine but pick your own.
Choose healthy practices that resonate with you. I ask you to not get caught in the magnetic pull of negative energy. There is a lot of that around however, you have the power of choice. Instead spend some time and consciously raise the vibration of the water in your own body. Direct the flow of loving thoughts toward yourself and others.
What You Say Matters
If you are saying or thinking “I am sick” you might want to remember this post and reconsider.
Every morning and every night send love from your heart to the waters of the world and the fluids of your own body. Know in your heart of hearts that the crystalline structure is rising in vibration. Have faith that the higher vibration is aligning with the divine perfection of God’s love. The God Self within you is a mighty love. Bring harmony where there is the appearance of discord. Bring health where there is the appearance of dis-ease.
As we heal the waters we heal ourselves; as we heal ourselves we heal the waters.
love, light, and peace
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