Inner Healer

Everyone has an inner healer. The body has wise counsel to give and when we become still enough to listen we receive it. A mind filled with chatter and conflict intrudes upon the ability to pay attention to the inner healer. Repressed emotions, unfulfilled dreams, denial and so on create congestion making stillness challenging. The not so quiet inner conflict is at the core of emotional, mental and physical imbalances. 

Sooner or later the physical body holds what the emotional body can no longer hold. Everything we ignore, attempt to suppress and successfully repress, will eventually find its way into the physical body. The body provides many signs and clues and has a lot to say about the cause for disease or injury.


Transformation and healing are one and the same. When you reclaim the power of your inner healer you have the power to transform your energy. As you learn to clear your energy field you are learning to heal yourself. The healing agent is love, self-acceptance and a knowing that you have everything you need to heal yourself. When you embrace a simple truth that everything you need is within you, you are well on your way to a life long intimate relationship with your inner healer and a healthy lifestyle.

Connect to the healing power within:

Connecting to the healing power within involves learning how to listen to your body, the voice of your inner healer. Notice more as you turn toward that which you have previously chosen to ignore. This begins the process of sharpening your skill and ability to listen to your body and engage your inner healer.

With a healthy dose of self-love and acceptance you will be able to dissolve inner conflict enough to hear what needs to be heard. Pushing inner conflict down or away does not rid you of it. That is the path of denial. Give the conflict your attention with intent to understand it and be free.

Find A Peaceful Way

Do not get caught in an energy draining mental tug of war. Your inner exploration is about understanding the core cause of your distress or disease. Learn to release the repressed energy and let go of everything including the “story”.The Conscious Mastery® Life course is a great asset to anyone who wants to remember their inner healer, personal power and use it to their benefit.

When you have successfully released repressed energy you will find that your energy can be put to better use. You can begin to create a peaceful foundation that inspires health and happiness.

Know Your Pain

Pain can be mental or emotional such as depression and anxiety or physical such as disease or injury. They are signs similar to those on a road map that help you know where to start placing your attention. Here are a few things it may be trying to tell you: 

First, if there is a lack of readiness for an upcoming experience, look a little deeper. Is this where you really should be going? Determine if you are choosing to do something because you feel you are expected to, are afraid to say no, or believe you have no choice. It is possible it simply feels wrong. Whatever you discover trust your intuition.

Second, Is there resistance to an experience your soul is longing to have? Are you investing in the fear of failure or fear of rejection rather than giving attention to follow your dreams and desires? If this is so ask yourself why? Write down your discoveries.

Third, is there a lack of acceptance for an experience that has occurred? If this is true, the experience has been denied. Learn how to accept and release.

Fourth, is your body alerting you of an imbalance that you are choosing to ignore. This is another form of denial and can result in injury or disease.

Direct your attention 

Bring your attention to the warning signs and ask yourself some important questions? Am I ready for this experience? Do I even want this experience? Why do I spend time resisting an experience by investing my energy in fear rather than happiness?  Can I make changes? What does my body need? Can I provide what is necessary to bring me peace of mind and health to my body? What shadow is attempting to move into the light of my consciousness?

These are just a few examples to get you started. Other questions specific to you will rise up.  Ask the questions, then quiet yourself and wait for the answer. When you receive answers in the form of inspired thoughts, ideas, or flashes of insight write them in your journal and follow through with action. This is empowering. Action paves the way for self–reliance, self-love and confidence. All of these have a positive effect on the health of your body, mind, spirit and soul.

Life is an echo — what you send out comes back — Chinese proverb

love, Astara

2024 update for Conscious Mastery® Two online course now available.

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