The Whipping boy is Dead
The whipping boy is dead.
The whips of tongue and leather breaking spirit, breaking skin. Destructive painful even insidious.
Evidence lost to the blind eye. The Whipping boy attracting a beating for crimes not his own,
He is a sin eater grasping for food. The line is breached, a serenity siege, by insults upon his soul.
The Whipping boy, Sin eater dines on shame and pain
Now he’s full and ready for sleep.
Little did he know this sleep would be for keeps.
The Whipping boy is dead
Rise up! Rise up! Remove your shackles. Turn and face your aggressors!
With fire of white and all your might pour love to them from Thee
Now Watch as they fall, they flee, they stumble
Scattered by the winds of change
The Whipping boy is dead
Give way to the light of day.
I feel mySelf expanding into places where he hid,
Fear drenched spaces, precious energy wasted as he waited to do their bidding.
But now the cycle is complete
Any attempt to rouse him to eat
a sin not of my own making
Will Fail All Hail
The whipping boy is dead. Freedom from oppression.
Long live the Victorious soul !
in light and love

The Whipping boy is dead
Freedom From Abuse
The whipping boy is dead is a creative piece sharing the woes of a victim. The death is actually a rebirth of the boy who has found his power. The part of him that played the whipping boy has died and is now liberated. Victorious in his own right he no longer takes the blame or eats the sins of others. In stories told the term “whipping post” is used but I think it takes it a step to far from the truth. It is a person who receives the brunt of abuse that was never his or hers to bare.
I speak of personal power in many of my blogs in one way or another. We all have personal power but that seems far from true for the person who has given their power to another. This happens early in life most of the time. I remember when the term “bullied” did not exist. There were bullies a plenty but many were never called out on what they did. Many of them were abused at home one way or another and took it out on the weakest so they could feel superior. Others grew up believing they were better than others as they listened to conversations from bigoted adults.
No More Whipping Boy No More Bullies
If you are in need of a little wind under your wings to help you find your personal power and a path that is your own, check out one of my online courses. If you have a tendency to be the bully my online course will help you find your way as well. We each have a unique journey to love and happiness. It is time to find yours. love Astara
Update 2024 Conscious Mastery® now offers two online courses
Conscious Mastery® Facilitator Certification
Conscious Mastery® Life course