colorful life experiences

Life Experiences:

Life Experience can most certainly be the catalyst for real change. How you perceive your experiences makes a huge difference. If the old way becomes compost for the new in your life, many beautiful things can grow. Conversely, holding pain, suffering, anger, fear etc. has a way of bringing forth more of the same. When you can not accept change it can very well become the poison that makes you sick mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. The dis-ease can take the form of depression, cruelty, illness, and weakness on all levels.

Personal memory

I am reminded of a time when I was still a teenager having suffered a horrific motorcycle accident. This experience brought about a short lived wake up call. On the one hand, I fully realized how I had created this reality. Yet on the other hand, I was not ready to bring the flashes of insight home to the heart, basically because I was too wounded.  After that great epiphany of how I created this accident, I was swallowed up in the darkness of my wounds, old and new.

Tragic Experiences

Tragic experiences can move people in many ways. For some, the life changing event puts them firmly on the path of recovery, strength and a new deeper sense of the meaning of life. My experience of the accident did wake up a very small part of my authentic self. The only piece I was truly able to understand is that all my musings as a child had come to pass. Not the way I thought it would but nonetheless I drew this to myself.

You see, I wanted my parents to notice and love me so, as a little girl I conjured up  day dreams of a terrible accident. They would rush to my side and comfort me. Well that never happened. Still, I must have known more than I realized because I always added ” but I will be alright in the end.”

Some take the long road 

As I look back I can see my higher self was communicating with me. However my wounded self took up most of the space. This life experience temporarily added to the poison that was already my life. Afterward, my will to live was very weak while I battled deep depression and very dark thoughts.

Wasting Time With Bad Choices 

I found an escape, self medication through the use of drugs. It is easy to see how that created a whole new set of problems. Consequently, I finally reached a point of no return. By that I mean, I saw two choices and two choice only. First choice, I could dig in and find out what was causing me to be so unhappy and care so little for my life. The second choice was I could continue on in the same old way and live a very short life. I chose to find myself.

Back In the Day

This was in the 70’s. The self help industry was nothing like it is today. What I did find was a book by Norman Vincent Peale, ” Power of Positive Thinking.” I also read Proverbs in the Bible repeatedly. These were the only two sources of information that spoke to me at the time but it was a start.

Like so many things in life we simply have to begin. My journey was clumsy and unguided. I literally cried everyday for the first 2 years. I thought I was losing my mind, undoubtedly, in many ways I did. Looking back, if I had access to the tools made available to us today I could have saved myself a lot of pain, grief, and time.

Our life experiences 

It just so happens that was not the path for me. My life experiences were made up of taking a lot of hard roads. Rather than look upon this with regret, I see it as part of the Divine plan. The way I learned may have been clumsy but I dove deep, came up for air and rose to a new way of living life.

A multitude of painful experiences and bad choices has given me a heart that is filled with compassion. When I see others struggling, making bad choices, blind to the goodness of life or acting mean I do not judge. The wounded will find there way. You can always lend a helping hand, work in the field to assist, be a friend etc. so long as you don’t go down with the ship.

Compassion Grows

I recognize a lot of things in people that I probably wouldn’t be able to see if not for my own healing experiences. It is easy to remember how it felt to be judged for my poor choices. That was never helpful furthermore the wounded are not innately weak. It is most likely they, like I did, unwittingly carry their past experiences with them without healing the trauma and pain. Don’t allow life experiences to weigh heavy, dim your inner light, or distort the power of your own will. The signs of the wounded soul are everywhere. Love is what is needed.

My mantra: It just keeps getting better

We can choose to let the past become the compost for a bright healthy future. I am so happy I finally did. Especially, since the alternative of carrying the weight of the past has nothing good to offer. Honestly, from my personal life experience healing and growing requires commitment. Don’t let anything stop you. As you walk the path that liberates your soul, life does get easier and just keeps getting better.

Even the challenging times are easier to handle once you have reclaimed your personal power. Those of us who have walked through the fire learned how to use tools like meditation, journal writing, walking in nature, doing yoga, breath exercises and so on. Compounding healthy choices extends to foods, friends, entertainment, and conversations to name a few.

Let Go And Live

The more we let go, the lighter we feel. As I continued to heal I was  better able to receive inspired thoughts, align with and trust my intuition  I discovered through life experiences that happiness is our natural state of being. There is a Divine plan. We have been given the enormous gift of life. Surprisingly, the substance of experience is the catalyst that transforms knowledge or intelligence into living wisdom. As a reminder, we have everything we need to create the best life. 

Make The Most of Your Experiences

Embrace all of your experiences. Let go of anything you might be holding so you can drink from the well spring of wisdom. This is where the real magic begins. Lighten up and your vibrational signature begins to rise up. What you attract into your life will begin to change.

Know your thoughts, keep them in line with the life you desire. If you desire greater health, let the way you think, talk and eat reflect health. In addition, choose be around healthy people. Stop the train of thought and conversation that has you engaged in illness, disease, medications, gossip etc.  The combination of high vibrational thoughts and letting go of repressed emotions will pave the way to a whole new way of seeing and living life.


Changing your vibration takes time to be realized. Do not give up because everything you desire doesn’t happen in a few weeks or months. Learn to persevere, Believe in yourself and your dreams. Stand in your truth, believe in the power of love, trust in Source, Mother/Father God and Forgive.

We live at the threshold of great change. Change is upon us. Prepare yourself ~ Let go, Lighten up, Be bold ! Let the substance of every experience in life be the catalyst for a brighter lighter you.

love, Astara

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