Facilitator Life Coach Guide

The shift and subsequent awakening is upon us.  Are you interested in becoming a facilitator, life coach or guide? Maybe you are ready to invest in yourself and become the best version of you, your authentic self. 

The Good News:

There is definitely something for everyone. What people do or don’t do with the information they consume is entirely up to them. Many people are gathering information without taking the time to process it, use it, and actualize real change. Perhaps this lifetime is for gathering. Others are inspired by a certain healing technique or modality and with little to no time at all are calling themselves experts. This can be problematic.

Attain some level of mastery

Raising your consciousness with a willingness to self-correct and have self-control is a basic requirement. Certainly you do not have to be perfect or know it all. However, as with all things a certain amount of mastery is required to be a good leader, facilitator, life coach or guide. 

You must understand yourself and your own energy. Experiences are a great teacher. What have you learned from your experiences? Have you integrated a degree of sustainable personal transformation. Are you in a position to provide safe space and wise counsel?


Shine your light

The world needs more light and it is up to us to shine. There is an urgent need to use the tools and information you are bringing in. All of us must walk the talk. Many experiences produce real change. If you are in the space of a facilitator, life coach or guide share from a place of deep inner knowing. With that said, please do not ignore your own needs.  Growth, understanding, and healing are as important if not more so, as you enter the spiritual growth industry.

If you are a good facilitator or life coach, you will come from a place of understanding born of experiences. You will have an open mind and heart making you  kind and receptive. Your nature is naturally humble because you realize you too have room to grow.

No one is beyond learning and that includes experts. The journey is truly on going. Be honest with your skill set when dealing with other peoples lives.  Embrace the responsibility with enthusiasm and an honest assessment of where you are.

Honesty is the best policy.

The old saying honesty is the best policy applies to all of life. Be honest with your skill level. If you stay with something long enough you will have moved through many phases. Everyone is a beginner, and with time, attention and practice becomes an intermediate and then possibly advanced at any given skill or talent.

Even an advanced skill can be improved. You may be a master at one thing and a beginner at another. Do not attempt to be a master at something you have just begun to learn. Be honest about where you are. This leads to the advanced attainment of the skill. Peace, and joy are wonderful byproducts. The journey is not a race. All we have to do is be honest with our growth. This level of patience will pave the way with grace and a sense of “present time” where all things are potent.

Fast and easy may not be the best

I know we live in a fast, instant gratification, type society. If the latest ” fast and easy steps”  to enlightenment, weight loss, your soul mate relationship etc.  hasn’t work out for you, maybe it is because it isn’t fast and easy.

Real growth and sustainable change takes time, perseverance and dedication. It takes desire along with self discipline and willingness to be responsible for your life and your future. Maybe there are only 3, 5 or 10 steps to create change but if you don’t follow through consistently with patience and perseverance change will not happen.

Be Courageous Enough To Dig In

It might be time to let go of the idea that it has to be fast and easy. Rather, embrace your change a day at a time. Furthermore, to continue on the road to healthy change naturally, you will discover it becomes easier. In the beginning, change often comes slow and seems difficult because we are doing something different. It appears especially daunting when it seems as though nothing is changing as we course correct and set our sails in a new direction.

However, remember that perseverance and patience are keys to successful ongoing transformation. Despite what it may look like, change is happening. Nevertheless, it can feel like you are swimming against the current when in fact, you are really finding the right river. Once you have gotten into the flow of the river that supports your growth, it gets easier.

Are You Inspired To Help Others?

If you are inspired to become a facilitator, life coach or healing guide give yourself time to experience healing for yourself. Learning more about yourself will assist you in finding whatever niche you are interested in. If you are teaching financial freedom it would be a good idea to have experienced the rise to financial independence. A relationship or family counselor cultivates healthy, lasting, loving, relationships with their own family and other significant people.

Teaching meditation classes is best when you have a daily meditation practice. Direct experience will naturally provide you with the understanding and compassion necessary to be of great service.

Be open to your own growth and honest with yourself. This will keep you open and humble. At some point we all see that the journey is on going. One just never knows who may come along to share some golden nugget. If you are caught up in your own expertness or hide the fact that you don’t have all the answers you will miss the opportunity to learn.


Life Gets Messy

There are times when everyones personal life gets messy. It happens to the best of us. The best course of action is to be honest with your current level of growth, do the best you can with what you have. Don’t misled. Be powerful enough to be transparent, kind and real. Remember, there is no end to our learning and our growth.


You Shall Find 

There is a lot of seeking however, I would like you to think about actually finding and shift your mindset to “finding.”  Find the healer within you. Your inner teacher is available and so is your delightful inner child and loving inner parent. Find and nurture these aspects of yourself. The time is now to find your inner wise guide.

Practice new ways of approaching life that resonate with you. Learn to trust your intuition, your inner guidance. Everything we need to create the best life ever is within us. There are no exceptions. Some of us began to heal ourselves decades ago. That doesn’t make us better just a little more experienced. And as such I offer up my experience in hopes that it will brighten and lighten your journey on the path to health and wholeness. Life always presents us with opportunities to deepen our awareness. So whether you are just beginning, have been on the path for a while, or call yourself an expert there is always room to grow, learn and share. 🙂

love Astara

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