Spring has Sprung

Isn’t it amazing how fast time flys? Already in our first week of April. This brings to mind just how important it is to make the most of our days and nights. Feel the increase of new energy that comes with Spring and make the most of it by simply devoting some of your precious time to regain balance in all areas of your life.

A daily practice is best when done mindfully. How many minutes or hours is far less important. Being consistent is important but each day does not have to be the same devotional routine. Our bodies need to be cared for which involves good nutrition, exercise and rest. Our minds need to be cared for making it essential to learn new things, venture out of your regular routine, and find some quiet time. 


Try Something Fresh And New

Embracing the inner child and feeling joy often go hand in hand. Get out of your routine so you can see and do new things. For example, you can take time to yourself, read a good book or engage in a craft that inspires your creative juices. How about a nice bath, light a candle and use essential oils? Instead of scrolling social media you can write in your journal and ponder how you want to enter this new season. A season that promises new beginnings and new growth. Implement fun, adventure and playtime into your world and see them as valuable and necessary.


Spring Cleaning for your Spirit 

Care for your spirit and make sure your light shines bright. Speak your truth, be of service, listen to your own needs and and do what you know is right action. These are but a few ways you can fan your internal flame. More ideas include, take time to meditate. Remember, there are a variety of ways to meditate such as walking, running, doing mindful yoga, even cooking healthy food can be done mindfully and become a form of meditation. 


Spring Into Self Control

Creating from a very powerful place demands self control. Self control is not denial but rather a knowing that springs from trusting your intuition. Follow your intuitive guidance putting it into action making your body/mind/spirit connection thrive. As we enter the second quarter of the year 2013 and every spring to come, take a moment to review your daily practices and habits.


What are Your Daily Habits

What do you do day in and day out? How much of it is comprised of unconscious habits and are those habits working for you or against you? Once you have become aware of what you do in your days and nights determine what stays and what goes. Subsequently, whatever goes is making space for something new even if it is simply quiet time for you. Not every waking moment needs to be filled with activity. 


Spring Forward 

No doubt many people are waking up. Some are finding the forced awakening rather harsh. For these folks I know they had been given many opportunities to do something different. Life experiences open or close a window or door because we have something new to learn. I know I have had to choose to think new thoughts and embrace new ideas in my life. All of us are being given choices all the time however, what we do with them is up to us. Not all choices made are good ones. Don’t let this be your calling card that ushers in a harsh awakening. Begin today to do what you already know is best for you.


Time is Speeding up 

As time speeds up so does our manifesting ability. Be aware of what you are thinking and feeling. Our thoughts and feelings create our reality. Look around you, your home, your work space and so on. Not with judgment but with love. Then decide what you would like to change, add or subtract. Write down what is working and what is not working. Now check in with the way you think and feel in the morning. Check in with yourself through the day and lastly before you go to bed. 

There is no better time then the present to set positive change into motion. In fact, there is no other time but the present for us to begin making positive changes. If you have been sitting on the fence allowing ideas to float idly about in your mind, the time is at hand to apply action. Without action to support our positive thinking, very little will change.

This is your life. Make it the best life ever starting today. Share your talents, your resources, be of service and take care of you.  A cup half full can empty quickly but a cup over flowing never runs dry. 

Bring a smile to your face and share that beautiful gift with those who cross your path. Life can be both really good and very simple.

Here is to you living the best life ever ~ Starting right now.

many blessings be yours

love, Astara

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