by Astara | Jun 14, 2012 | Conscious Living, Personal growth, spiriitual journey
Conscious Parenting: “The bright luminous beings that we are need not tarnish first to become the shining beacon of love that we are. It just so happens that for many of us this is what has happened. However, the trend need not continue with the new beings...
by Astara | May 23, 2012 | Personal growth, self mastery, Self-Improvement, spiriitual journey, spiritual awakening, Spiritual Evolution
Shine Bright~ Don’t Dim Your Light ! Don’t dim your light with petty grievances, competition or envy. Don’t dim your light participating in revenge or by holding grudges and/or resentments. Don’t dim your light engaging and amplifying fear through your thoughts and...
by Astara | Apr 27, 2012 | Personal growth, spirituality
How do I get happy? Come away from the periphery of life, the endless distractions of the outer world, to dwell in your Heart Center where God’s love vibrates unconditionally. Happiness is our natural state. For those that have not been happy for sometime that may...
by Astara | Mar 30, 2012 | Meditation, Personal growth
When a person is aligned with healthy self-love they are at peace, trusting their intuition. They have an understanding of what constitutes true Source. When a person lives their life loving themselves, their capacity to love others grows naturally. Contrary to what...
by Astara | Mar 8, 2012 | Meditation, Personal growth, spirituality
Master Higher Levels of Consciousness When you know something to be true practice it until you have mastered it. We can see that humanity has mastered very low levels of consciousness vibrating fear, guilt, greed, denial and so on. There is mass unhappiness in our...
by Astara | Feb 17, 2012 | Meditation, Personal growth
Good morning, good night and goodness in-between When morning arrives there is this precious moment when we first realize we are awake. In this moment, sleep may try to pull us back into dream land or our soul may nudge us making the possibility of going back to sleep...