by Astara | Apr 23, 2016 | Forgiveness, Mindfullness, Personal growth, self mastery, spiriitual journey, spiritual awakening, Spiritual Growth, spiritual journey
The Whipping boy is Dead The whipping boy is dead. The whips of tongue and leather breaking spirit, breaking skin. Destructive painful even insidious. Evidence lost to the blind eye. The Whipping boy attracting a beating for crimes not his own, He is a sin eater...
by Astara | Apr 5, 2016 | Personal growth, self mastery, spiriitual journey
Leave No Trace Save for Love Only love is permitted in my temple, all else passes through consciously. I live by, “leave no trace save for love”. There is no room for denial, guilt or judgment in this temple of mine. My body and mind no longer hold any...
by Astara | Oct 20, 2015 | Mindfullness, Personal growth, Self-Improvement, Video
Positive Thoughts Intentional Grooves: Instrumental music imbued with High vibrational energy. 5 tracks, each title has its own vibe. Love ThySelf Track titled “Self Reliance” is imbued with the vibration of self reliance. In an easy up beat manner I...
by Astara | May 28, 2015 | Meditation, Personal growth, self development, self mastery, Self-Improvement
Balance of the Masculine/Feminine Sometimes all it takes to shift your feelings and heighten your consciousness is a little color. As children we colored and it was fun. Enjoy this meditation coloring experience. Turn on some music if you like. Read and ponder the...
by Astara | Jun 17, 2013 | Conscious Mastery, Meditation, Mindfullness, Personal growth, self development, Self-Improvement
Health and Wholeness Health and wholeness is what many people want to experience. This makes health and wholeness a common topic of discussion. People may focus on some part of their emotional, physical or mental state of wellness or lack there of. For health and...
by Astara | Apr 3, 2013 | Conscious Living, Meditation, Mindfullness, Personal growth, self development, Self-Improvement
Spring has Sprung Isn’t it amazing how fast time flys? Already in our first week of April. This brings to mind just how important it is to make the most of our days and nights. Feel the increase of new energy that comes with Spring and make the most of it by...