by Astara | Jan 8, 2024 | Conscious Mastery, Personal growth, personal power, self development, self mastery, Self-Improvement, spiritual awakening, Spiritual Evolution, Spiritual Growth, spiritual journey
A Journey to Personal Freedom Conscious Mastery® is a journey to personal freedom. When you resonates with inner peace and personal power you know what it is to have personal freedom. Everyone has a reservoir of peace and personal power within them. In these...
by Astara | Apr 23, 2016 | Forgiveness, Mindfullness, Personal growth, self mastery, spiriitual journey, spiritual awakening, Spiritual Growth, spiritual journey
The Whipping boy is Dead The whipping boy is dead. The whips of tongue and leather breaking spirit, breaking skin. Destructive painful even insidious. Evidence lost to the blind eye. The Whipping boy attracting a beating for crimes not his own, He is a sin eater...
by Astara | Aug 30, 2012 | Meditation, Mindfullness, Personal growth, self development, spiritual awakening, Spiritual Growth
Life Experiences: Life Experience can most certainly be the catalyst for real change. How you perceive your experiences makes a huge difference. If the old way becomes compost for the new in your life, many beautiful things can grow. Conversely, holding pain,...
by Astara | May 23, 2012 | Personal growth, self mastery, Self-Improvement, spiriitual journey, spiritual awakening, Spiritual Evolution
Shine Bright~ Don’t Dim Your Light ! Don’t dim your light with petty grievances, competition or envy. Don’t dim your light participating in revenge or by holding grudges and/or resentments. Don’t dim your light engaging and amplifying fear through your thoughts and...
by Astara | Feb 2, 2012 | Meditation, Personal growth, Self-Improvement, spiriitual journey, spiritual awakening
Jesus said,” If you bring forth what is within in you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.” This is powerful and worthy of contemplation. Good times and challenges:...
by Astara | Jan 4, 2012 | Personal growth, self development, spiriitual journey, spiritual awakening
Seeds of thought: Part 4 of a 4 part series Within any seed lies the potential for great beauty, great strength and wisdom. All it needs is proper nurturing for it to burst forth in divine time and splendor. Ponder, contemplate, nurture and discover more. Teachings...