Conscious Mastery® is a Journey to Personal Freedom

Conscious Mastery® is a Journey to Personal Freedom

A Journey to Personal Freedom Conscious Mastery® is a journey to personal freedom. When you resonates with inner peace and personal power you know what it is to have personal freedom. Everyone has a reservoir of peace and personal power within them. In these...
How Powerful You Are

How Powerful You Are

How powerful you are! Our energy effects things large and small, seen and unseen. How powerful you are and how powerful we all are. We are one. This truth may fall from our lips easily, but the greater challenge is letting this truth really sink in. Certainly, another...
Using Creativity to Create Clarity

Using Creativity to Create Clarity

Using Creativity to Create Clarity From personal experience, let me share how using creativity to create clarity works for me and how it can work for you. Some years ago I had a job I liked fairly well. I had been there about a year when the new guy arrived. It is my...