by Astara | Aug 29, 2011 | Mindfullness, Personal growth, self development, self mastery, spiriitual journey
Love speaks: Beneath every hard and cold heart love stirs beckoning for attention. Hear me, is the whisper. Feel me, is the cry. I am here, why do you refuse me? Let me warm you, I offer myself to you ceaselessly. Be not afraid of me. Be not afraid of love. ...
by Astara | Aug 9, 2011 | Forgiveness, Personal growth
Today’s post consists of a simple yet powerful prayer from St Francis of Assisi. I chose this because it speaks of the power we have to make positive changes in our lives and in the lives of others. It also serves as a reminder that somewhere deep inside each of...
by Astara | Jul 26, 2011 | Conscious Living, Mindfullness
The influence of the mind can be troublesome and sometimes absurd. Everyday we face the challenge to move away from the preoccupation of other spaces and other times. If we can master the ability to remain present most of our waking hours and remain alert to what is...
by Astara | Jul 19, 2011 | Forgiveness, Personal growth, Self-Improvement
When most people hear the word addiction or think about addicts they typically think of drugs, alcohol and maybe even food. To be addicted is to become mentally or physically dependent upon something or even someone. Addiction is denoting a person’s inclination or...
by Astara | Jul 9, 2011 | self development, Self-Improvement
I have shared the importance of life reviews on many occasions and wrote a blog post giving different ways one can go about it in December 2010. I share this personal “Life Review on Judgment” journey I took some time ago to show you how uncovering parts...
by Astara | Jul 1, 2011 | Conscious Living, Meditation, Personal growth, self mastery
You have heard: “A mind is a terrible thing to waste.” and “If you don’t use it, you lose it.” Well, I would like to share some brain boosting information and activities in the hope that you may find them fun, helpful, and useful. As we...
by Astara | Jun 22, 2011 | Conscious Living, Personal growth
Today is not a day for striving. I search within for the inspiration to work in or on my business but come up rather dry. The direction I am choosing is giving me cause to surrender and course correct in some uncertain way so that I may feel the wellspring of divine...
by Astara | Jun 14, 2011 | Conscious Living, Personal growth, spiritual journey
A few powerful thoughts: Bhagavad Gita chapter 6 verse 5: Lift up the self by the Self and don’t let the self droop down, For the Self is the self’s only friend And the self is the Self’s only foe. If you give that some thought through out the day...
by Astara | Jun 6, 2011 | Conscious Living, Personal growth, self development, Self-Improvement, spiritual awakening, spirituality
Distant Circles It has taken me a long time to begin growing Be patient for I am yet a bud unfolding Reaching down to my depths Releasing feelings kept in shadow as I become less fearful and more honest. Yes I am only human what a pity to be burden with weakness born...
by Astara | May 24, 2011 | self mastery
When we finally decide to be a clear channel for the flow of spiritual and material abundance we will see our lives through new eyes. Single minded, mindfulness, patience, peace-drink this in. Double minded, fear, anxiety, doubt-throw this out. In many ways people are...