by Astara | Aug 24, 2010 | Personal growth, self development, Self-Improvement, Spiritual Evolution, spiritual journey
One day you may wake up and realize that things just don’t feel good or feel right to you anymore. If that is where you are question everything. Leave no stone unturned. If change is already upon you question everything. If there is some area of your life that...
by Astara | Aug 16, 2010 | Personal growth, self development, Self-Improvement, Spiritual Evolution
We may well discover that in order to find the fear we have denied we might need to look under one of its disguises. The most common disguise is anger. If one roars loud enough the fear can remain well hidden. The fuel for such unnecessary outbursts of anger is...
by Astara | Aug 10, 2010 | Meditation, Mindfullness, Personal growth, self development, Self-Improvement, Spiritual Evolution, spiritual journey, spirituality
Practice this visualization exercise of healthy self love as often as you can: Choose a quiet time when you will be uninterrupted and a place where you can sit comfortably. Inhale deeply and exhale with a big sigh. Do this a few times until you are very relaxed and...
by Astara | Jul 20, 2010 | Meditation, Mindfullness, Personal growth, self development, Spiritual Evolution, spirituality
Lyrics: (written, produced and performed by Astara Summers) Be (Just as I am) You are the wind. You are the rain, I see again Able and Cain You are the fruit I gather dear. You are the One. You are the tear. You are the sky. You are the sea. You are the...
by Astara | Jul 14, 2010 | Meditation, Personal growth, self development, Self-Improvement, spirituality
I have lived great pieces of time in solitude. It may not make me an expert but it does make me experienced. What is life, if not experience? Fore how can one truly know anything if it is not felt deep within the heart. All things learned in books must one day...
by Astara | Jun 14, 2010 | Personal growth, self development, Spiritual Growth
Breath and Life: Breathing affects every system of our bodies and also has a general effect on our memories, our energy levels, and our concentration. The breath oxygenates the body, revitalizing organs, cells and tissues. Everything we do, from the feelings we have...